Welcome to One Church Bristol! We are very pleased to introduce you to our church family through this site. If you take a few moments to look around you’ll hopefully catch something of our heart, values and activities as a local church, but like any great place, you have to experience it to really ‘get it’!
We’re confident you’ll love it. Why not come and check us out soon? We’d love to meet you if you’re visiting for the first time so come and grab us at the end of a service!
Mike & Dani Williams
Pastors at One Church Bristol
From wacky games to small breakout groups and big events, there’s something every child will love.
Earlstone Crescent,
Bristol, BS30 8AA
10.30 am
T:0117 3307092
One Church – A company limited by guarantee and registered in England & Wales and a registered charity. Registered Company Number: 6955996. Registered Charity Number: 1131467. Registered Office at: One Church, Off Baneberry Road, Gloucester, GL4 6NY.
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+12 (0) 345 678 9