Giving via ChurchSuite incurs a transaction fee.
We now have the ability to accept your gifts via online giving. You can still *Gift Aid your giving by following the relevant instructions.
Our preferred method is via standing order or bank transfer, as this incurs no fees.
Name: One Church
Sort code 08-90-41
Account number 50032439
Please put your name and church giving number in the reference field. If you require a giving number, please email the church at
If you are a registered UK taxpayer please fill in the Gift Aid declaration form on the reverse of the offering envelope. As a registered charity, the government will give us an additional 25p for every £1 you give, at no extra cost to you. If you have any questions about Gift Aid, please contact Our preferred giving method is standing order with gift aid.
Giving via ChurchSuite incurs a transaction fee.
One Church – A company limited by guarantee and registered in England & Wales and a registered charity. Registered Company Number: 6955996. Registered Charity Number: 1131467. Registered Office at: One Church, Off Baneberry Road, Gloucester, GL4 6NY.
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+12 (0) 345 678 9