At OC Kids, everything we do is aimed at engaging children, having fun and building friendships, through music, games, Bible stories and other activities to see kids become all God has called them to be.

At OC Kids, everything we do is aimed at engaging children, having fun and building friendships, through music, games, Bible stories and other activities to see kids become all God has called them to be.
One Church Gloucester, GL4 6NY
Ages 0-4
10-11:30am (Monday & Fridays, term time)
Tickets cost £1.50 per child, £1 per adult
You must have a pre-booked ticket to attend a session
Tickets will become available on Mondays at 6pm
One Church Bristol, BS30 8AA
Ages 4-11
One Church Gloucester, GL4 6NY
Ages 3-11
9:15 & 11:15am
IKB Academy, BS31 1SP
Ages 4-11
Ramblers Club, GL2 5AS
Ages 4-11
Tewkesbury Academy, GL20 8DF
Ages 4-11
One Church Gloucester, GL4 6NY
School Years 3-6
6-7pm (Fridays, term time)
£1 per child, pay on arrival
Building their confidence through making great relationships and forging new ones.
Encouraging children to ask big questions and explore their own connection to God relevant to their world.
Laughing so hard they just don’t want to go home.
Praise songs are a great way to get kids moving while learning through the lyrics.
Smaller breakout groups are tailored for different age groups.
The crazier the better and messiest is best!
One Church – A company limited by guarantee and registered in England & Wales and a registered charity. Registered Company Number: 6955996. Registered Charity Number: 1131467. Registered Office at: One Church, Off Baneberry Road, Gloucester, GL4 6NY.
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+12 (0) 345 678 9